Speakers & Panelists
Designing Chips with CHIPS:
West Coast Pre-Silicon Summit
3 November 2023 | San Diego, California
Speaker Profile
Deborah M. Cooper
President, DC Associates, LLC
2022 IEEE-USA President
Deborah M. Cooper is president and founder of DC Associates, LLC, Reston, VA, an independent consulting firm specializing in Cybersecurity and has served on many industry and government advisory boards. Past positions include: Director, INFOSEC Business Development and Program Planning, Director of Advanced Technology, Director of Formal Methods at Unisys and System Development Corporation; and Principal, Cyber Technology at Booz Allen Hamilton. Cooper graduated with honors from UCLA. While studying for her doctorate, Cooper created a database management system adopted for use at all University of California campuses and was awarded a University of California Administrative Fellowship. In 1989, she received the Unisys President’s Award for Technical Excellence.
Cooper is past-president of IEEE-USA, having served as IEEE-USA President in 2022, and past IEEE Computer Society president, Division Director V, MGA Treasurer, and past board member of IEEE-USA, MGA, Technical Activities, Publication Services and Products and past guest editor for IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering and IEEE Software, and editorial board member for IEEE Security & Privacy.